Wide awake and dreaming…

What if the greatest story ever told... was your own?

I admit it - I’m a dreamer and I have been all my life. We tend to think of dreaming as a visual exercise, but I see it in terms of words and stories.

Stories do far more than simply entertain. They contextualize our world, allowing us to share and understand ideas and relate to them on a human level. In the end, we’re all storytellers of a sort, and my job is to help entrepreneur-flavoured humans like you share your story with your audience by leveraging your greatest superpower: your humanity.

I believe that when it comes to communication whether it’s in person, in print or online, “life speaks to life.” In this bold new age, where Artificial Intelligence seems to be creeping into every corner of our lives, being able to communicate on a human level is more important than ever.

I’ve been fortunate to have worked with humans from every corner of the internet (who knew it had corners?) but there’s really only one way to know whether or not we’d be a great fit - we need to chat.

You have a story to tell and your audience is listening…

shall we begin?